Ecostar EVO

The new Ecostar EVO series of manual two-component metering and mixing plants provide a set of new features and improvements while still coming with the proven and reliable core components of the well-known Ecostar line.
The new boom features a higher flexibility in the workspace, optionally by enabling movements in two planes.
The new mixing unit requires less maintenance or cleaning. Moreover, maintenance of the mixing unit is even easier now as the boom can be lowered easily.
The floor space a requirement of the Ecostar EVO has been significantly reduced which makes it one of the most compact designs in the market.
The new Ecostar EVO helps to reduce the overall manufacturing cost by increasing work efficiency through compactness, enhanced popularity with workers as well as reduced maintenance and space requirements.
Contact Us For Help Finding the Right Ecostar EVO Solution For You
Ecostar-EVO Standard Features
- Adjustable mixing ratios
- Optimal platen design for lowest drum residues
- Proven RT pump sealing system for minimum maintenance
- Encapsulated design for higher operator safety and lowest noise
- Flexible Boom design, optionally with new manipulator
- New Alpha Mix, optimized for easy cleaning and maintenance
- 200l drum garage for ergonomic exchange
- Drum low/empty warnings for A&B component
- Pot life and mixer service life adjustable
Ecostar Comes in Different Variants:
Hydraulic Pump Drive for most common applicaions
Ecostar EVOAirPneumatic Drive Motor for reduced output requirements
Ecostar EVOAir 20Pneumatic Drive Motor for reduced output 20L pail feeder for Components A & B
Ecostar EVOMaxFor maximum output requirements
Ecostar EVOPlusFor processing of additional booster / accelerator materials. Comes with comfortable Ultra Mix Plus handgun.
Ecostar Optional Equipment:
- Manipulator for comfortable operation
- Heated version for component A
- Cartridge filler device
- 200L Drum feeder for component B
- Various boom and hose extensions
- Rinsing pump for cleaning solvent
- Freezer
Ecostar Parts & Accessories (PDF Download)
Ecostar Auxillary Equipment:
Dynamic mixer with disposable mixing chamber and two component swivel joint for integration into glass sealing plants.
Alpha MixOptimal static mixing gun for use with piston metering systems.
FreezerFreezing and thawing device for mixed 2-componental materials
Cartridge Filling DeviceComfortable and easy material filling into reusable cartridges.