Pumps & Packages

Drum pumps, Transfer Pumps, & Circulation Pumps
Kirkco offers a wide range of material supply transfer and drum pumps to transport low to high viscosity media directly from the original container to the desired application point, or complete circulation systems for continuous supply to multiple application points.
Models are available for pails, drums, or totes. Our standard sizes include 10, 30 and 80 liter pail pumps and 200 liter drum pumps. Bung-mounted or wall mounted circulation pumps complete the range of products available to move and transfer material.
We offer available construction in carbon steel, chrome plated steel, stainless steel or a variety of plastics or special surface coatings, dependent upon the pumps selected and on your specific application.
Our pumping systems are modular in construction, robust and extremely durable.
Follower plates are available in heated or non-heated, cast iron, aluminum, stainless steel, and with special surface coatings. An elastomer wiper or o-ring seals the follower plate to the drum or pail to promote material feeding to the pump and to prevent leaks and contamination of the material.
We recommend pumps that are equipped with twin post pneumatic rams for improved function and reliability. Single post pneumatic rams are available in our product range and they are effective when used properly for their specific application and purpose.
Optional accessories for our pumps include an automatic low material level system shut-off, single or two-handed safety operating system, filters, compensators and automatic drum change over for continuous supply applications.